After this lesson you will know the following: Different types of essays, Narrative essay, Descriptive essay, Picture essay.
you will know what is important under each type of subject and prepare to write an essay and the Structure of a well-written essay.
Ngemuva kwalesi sifundo nizokwazi nakhu okulandelayo: Izinhlobo ezahlukene zama - eseyi , Indaba elandisayo , Indaba echazayo , Indaba ngesithombe.
nizokwazi okubalulekile ngaphansi kohlobo ngalunye lwendaba nokulungiselela ukubhala i - eseyi neIsakhiwo se - eseyi ebhaleke kahle.
Up Next in Term 1
Isenzo / Verbs
After this lesson you will know what many ideas can be expressed by the verb as it is used in the sentence.
we will look at six types of different verbs that we have in Zulu.
A description of the method for each action.Ngemuva kwalesi sifundo uzokwazi ukuthi yini imiqondo eminingi engavezwa yis...