Today in our lesson we will be studying the structure of the Zulu sentence and after this lesson you will know
What is a sentence, Sentence structure, Ways you can organize your sentence and learn types of sentences.
Namhlanje esifundweni sethu sobe sifunda kokwakheka komusho wesizulu kanti ngemuva kwalesi sifundo uzokwazi
ukuthi uyini umusho , Ukwakheka komusho , Izindlela ongahlela ngazo umusho wakho uphinde ufunde izinhlobo zemisho.
Up Next in Term 1
Ndaba Emfishane / Short story
Today we will go through a short story. After this lesson you will know the following:
Structure, Introduction, Body, Conclusion, Message/lesson, Characters, Narrator
and Theme.Namhlanje sobe simbeka indaba emfushane. Ngemuva kwalesi sifundo uzokwazi okulandelayo:
Isakhiwo , Isingeniso , Umzimb... -
inkondlo / poem
Today we will look at the following: What is a poem, Structure of a poem, Lines of a poem
, Stanzas , Connection , Beginning , Middle , End , Cross and so on.Namhlanje sizobheka nakhu okulandelayo: Yini inkondlo , Ukwakheka kwenkondlo , Imigqa yenkondlo
, Izitanza zenkondlo , Ukuxhumana , Siq... -
Isenzo / Verbs
After this lesson you will know what a Verb is and the function of a verb in a sentence and verbs.
Ngemuva kwalesi sifundo nizokwazi ukuthi siyini Isenzo nokuthi ukusebenza kwesenzo emshweni nezimpambosi zesenzo.