As we know that the expression of the sentence is the idea without the action. In other words, verbs are very
important in building your meaningful Zulu sentence, which is why today's lesson is about verbs.
Njengoba sazi ukuthi inkulumo yomusho kayina umqondo ngaphandle kwesenzo.
Ngamanye nje amazwi isenzo sibaluleke kakhulu ekwakheni umusho wakho wesiZulu ozwakalayo
yingakho nje namhlanje isifundo sethu simayelana naso isenzo.
Up Next in Term 1
iZindlela zesenzo / Types of verbs
Today in our lesson we will be studying the structure of the Zulu sentence and after this lesson you will know
What is a sentence, Sentence structure, Ways you can organize your sentence and learn types of sentences.Namhlanje esifundweni sethu sobe sifunda kokwakheka komusho wesizulu kanti ngem...
Ndaba Emfishane / Short story
Today we will go through a short story. After this lesson you will know the following:
Structure, Introduction, Body, Conclusion, Message/lesson, Characters, Narrator
and Theme.Namhlanje sobe simbeka indaba emfushane. Ngemuva kwalesi sifundo uzokwazi okulandelayo:
Isakhiwo , Isingeniso , Umzimb... -
inkondlo / poem
Today we will look at the following: What is a poem, Structure of a poem, Lines of a poem
, Stanzas , Connection , Beginning , Middle , End , Cross and so on.Namhlanje sizobheka nakhu okulandelayo: Yini inkondlo , Ukwakheka kwenkondlo , Imigqa yenkondlo
, Izitanza zenkondlo , Ukuxhumana , Siq...