A newspaper article discusses current or recent news of either general interest or of a specific topic and it’s supported by multimedia content. By the end of the lesson if you had fun doing the activity you should consider a career in journalism.
Up Next in Term 2
Summary writing
Writing a summary is an important skill that you’ll use throughout your academic career. It improves your reading as well as your analysing skills. By the end of this lesson you should have grasped the essentials of summarising.
Prefixes, Root words and suffixes
Don’t panic, by the end of this lesson you will be able to easily identify the prefixes, suffixes, roots and root words by breaking the word down and isolating the components.
Emotive Language
Emotive language is the deliberate use of strong words to play on the reader’s feelings. By the end of this lesson you will be able to know how to separate factual aspects of writing from emotions.