Abbreviations and acronyms are used a lot in the Afrikaans language to shorten words. It is important to know these abbreviations and acronyms to understand what you are reading. Today we learn about the different abbreviations and acronyms!
Afkortings en akronieme word baie in die Afrikaanse taal gebruik om woorde te verkort. Dit is belangrik om hierdie afkortings en Akronieme te ken om te verstaan wat jy lees. Vandag leer ons van die verskillende afkortings en akronieme!
Up Next in Term 3
Homonieme en homofone
Homonyms and homophones are words that sound the same but are still different. Today we learn more about how to identify, classify and put these unique words into context.
Homonieme en homofone is woorde wat dieselfde klink maar nog steeds verskil. Vandag leer ons meer hoe om hierdie unieke woor...
Lang Transaksionele Skryf: Huldeblyk
During this lesson, we look at the formats of your long transactional writing, your Tribute, specifically, and how to apply them to garner the best possible marks.
Gedurende hierdie les kyk ons na die formate van jou lang transaksionele skryfwerk, jou Huldeblyk, spesifiek, en hoe om dit toe te p...
Kort Transaksionele Skryf: Instruksies
During this lesson, we look at the formats of your short transactional writing, your instructions, specifications, and how to apply them to get the best possible marks.
Gedurende hierdie les kyk ons na die formate van jou kort transaksionele skryfwerk, jou nstruksies, spesifiek, en hoe om dit to...