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Grade 8 Afrikaans


5m 22s

Up Next in Term 3

  • Direkte en Indirekte Rede

    In the Afrikaans language, we use Direct and Indirect speech to structure people's words in different sentences. Today we learn more about how to use Direct and Indirect speech.

    Direkte en Indirekte rede gebruik ons in die Afrikaanse taal om mense se woorde in verskillende sinne te struktureer. ...

  • Tussenwerpsels

    Interjections are great words to indicate emotion and feeling! This makes the Afrikaans language so much richer. Let's learn more about interjections today.

    Tussenwerpsels is wonderlike woorde om emosie en gevoel aan te dui! Dit maak die Afrikaanse taal soveel ryker. Kom ons leer meer oor tussen...

  • Afkortings en Akronieme

    Abbreviations and acronyms are used a lot in the Afrikaans language to shorten words. It is important to know these abbreviations and acronyms to understand what you are reading. Today we learn about the different abbreviations and acronyms!

    Afkortings en akronieme word baie in die Afrikaanse ta...