Today we will learn about the conversation. After this lesson, you will know the following :
- What is Speech – a conversation
- What is important about speech is dialogue and what the student must be aware of when writing a speech - dialogue.
- Example speech–response
- Student work at home
Namhlanje sizofunda ngenkulumo mpendulwano. Ngemuva kwalesi sifundo uzokwazi lokhu okulandelayo :
- Iyini Inkulumo – mpendulwano
- Okubalulekile ngenkulumo mpendulwano nalokho umfundi okumele akuqaphele uma ebhala Inkulumo - mpendulwano.
- Isibonelo senkulumo – mpendulwano
- Umsebenzi womfundi ekhaya
Up Next in Term 1
Inkulumo – mbiko nenkulumo ngqo/ Dire...
Here's what we're going to do in today's lesson:
- I will give you the definition of rhetoric and rhetoric.
- You will see examples of rhetoric and rhetoric.
- We will turn idioms into idioms.
- I will give you a function where you will convert the passage in the speech into a speech and make the... -
Iposta,isikhangiso neflaya/ Posters, ...
Today we will be making short texts that convey a message. The documents we will do are the Poster/advertisement, the Flyer and filling out the form.
Namhlanje sobe senza imibhalo emifishane edlulisa umyalezo. Imibhalo esizoyenza yiPosta / isikhangiso iFlaya nokugcwalisa ifomu.
Abalingiswa beNoveli Elokufa Alitshel...
Today we will be refining the Novel. The novel we will use as an example is the book Elokufa Alitshel, written by M.M Ndlovu. After this Lesson you will know the following :
- What is a Novel?
- The characters of the novel.
- Character types: important, small, flat and round.
- The portrayal of c...